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Just to save some posts...


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...i'll put it all in one message.

Okay - for anyone that's in the area, Gosium(giggles, myself, and our drummer Ian Montgomery) have our regular weekly gig at passage to india at waterloo+horton in London. this is the 2nd rose and crown. it's got more room to groove and a higher ceiling than bacchus. drunks are potentially cheaper there and there's great food. we start between 9 and 10 and will likely play a few sets. hopefully if people show up we'll be able to rock your socks off. no cover.

also, for anyone in the area, i'm going to see phil and friends, moe, soulive...i'm sure you've heard of this show people...i need to split gas with characters or at least meet up with some at the show so for those people, showing up to my show would be a great way to meet me...I'm the bassist - glasses, beard.

and also - jukejoint is playing bacchus tomorrow.

i hope i can get to it and see loads of kind pholk there.

keep in touch, everybody!

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