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String Cheese Incident - Vancouver


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Willy, there's a very good chance you are going to see a SHITLOAD of people at the Cheese! You'll recognize me, I'll be the dready with the shit-eating grin, spakled with sparkles, performing my reknowned "boneless, appopleptic arm dance". Come and say hi.

Weezy! you should head to the ND AFTER the cheese (honor the boys, they don't come here often) you will only miss a bit of the ND this way.....They are playing up in Whistler the night afterwards...(I know, I'm broke too, this is turning into a shit kicker of a month......)

Hey, how come Ravi didn't make the watchtower?

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hey spuds,

ahhhhh, so you're that dancing dready I keep seeing everywhere. Well, ideally I'll be at both shows on the 17th - I might have to leave early though, I'm buzzin to see tND again.

Thanks for the heads-up on the Ravi show. If you notice anything else missing in the future, e-mail me - weezy@jambands.ca


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Live in Vancouver? I wish! I'm just flying out there to see SCI and The Slip and Brickhouse at The Fairview and hopefully some other great stuff! You say the New Deal is playing eh? I haven't seen them yet. Perhaps I'll go there after the SCI show. Are there any other good after parties on that night?

Say hello to me! I'll be the tall dude with the long curly blonde hair. I'll be there with my brother and his girlfriend. We're always looking for good times!

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I'm in for all of the above. Calgary Cheese, Vancouver Cheese, THE SLIP, New Deal plus Nero on Friday. Fucking Jurassic 5 is playing that night too it's sick. Never seen the Cheese though and up until now my only impression has been that they're pictures of colonic health. Don't know if that's going to change anytime scene, clean colons that can jam like hell.

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I'm thining that I'll do it all. Fly to Vancouver tomorrow, drive to Calgary and see Kottke saturday night (anyone have a floor to offer for sleeping), catch New Deal in Calgary after Kottke, stick around for SCI in Calgary(?), drive back to Vancouver, check out Brickhouse at the Fairview on Monday night (awesome if you've never been), take Tuesday night off, SCI and The Slip on Wednesday night, SCI and The New Deal on Thursday night. Wow. I'll be spent... and it'll be awesome! I'd love to hook up with everyone anywhere. How do we get in touch?

Love & Peace

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