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to: Joe Strummer


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Joe Strummer was one of the greats...his impact on music in the mid to late seventies was huge... I guess he somewhat helped change the face of rock n' roll.....whenever asked I always sight London Calling as one of the most influencial alblums of that period. He also has a place within myself musically, my dad used to play me the clash records when I was a kid. I remember me and this guy nick would go to my house at lunch in grade seven, we would sneak into my dad's records collection and pull out combat rock, and london calling, and crank it! Rock the Casbah, Koca Kola, Car Jamming....Go straight to Hell ...and a ton of other songs are burned into my memory. I expected more music from the man...I knew he had recently played in toronto with a project of his, and he sounded excited again. Man was he funny, ever catch him in an interview, very down to earth, and still very aware of the changing musical forces going on around him. I think he always had his ear to the ground.

I guess I just want to say thanks to Joe, thanks for being the first band I played air guitar too, and tried to belt out a rock voice....I even think for a while they changed how I dressed, and made me aware of being different from others at a young age, thank you. I am sad to hear this news.

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