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Did'ya see Cyberhippe on Speaker's Corner?


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hehehe [Embarrassed]

I was pretty surprised myself... I got home from a movie, when I checked the jamaholic hits I was suprised to see a whole ton of hits that all happened around the same time. I had taped Speakers Corner, just in case. When I popped the tape in, it clicked in, I must have been on (that's why so many new hits). So, I hit the FF button, and sure enough there I am. CityTV threw my mug up on the tv...

Too funny...

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Promoting jamaholic.ca

You're the man, Trevor! Jen, Laurie and I were just sitting there last night blowing turkey farts when all of a sudden your benign head popped up on the screen! Nice job! Don't forget to get in contact with CityTV because I believe if they run your message you're eligible for some free schwag from their merch shop.

We'll talk over the holidays.

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