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man....this is crappy


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i have just had a super rough week and all i wanted to do was go out with some friends. Just before i go out i look for my licence thinking i had it all along and it is missing....i have looked absolutely everywhere...So i try to get in anyways and they won't let me! I know they are not supposed to without any id...i am sure if i went to PJC they would let me in but i have no one to go with.

Sorry to rant, just down...really wanted to go out and let loose and forget about this stupid week. man, i hate it when i loose stuff.

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that sucks,,, but its probably happened to each of us a few times at least. i can think of about 50 for me,, now i keep a spair copy of my licence in my car, its easy to get another you just have to say you lost the first one and pay like 25 bucks

i keep the spair in the thing with my insurance that i never take out of my car, it really helpes out

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sorry I didn't see this earlier, Tooly who works the door at PJC knows who you are (he told me he met you) and would let you in no problem

hope you went anyways and in any case here's to things picking up for you... next week's another week, likely better

(49.000 - getting there! ::)

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thanks guys.

Hey jared, I thought it was $50 to get another one? Well, it looks like I will find out today.

As for you Paisley.....you will never beat me...MUHAHAHAHAHA. :: :: ::

Actually i haven't played in a while. Maybe i should try to get an even higher score..hehe ;) I totally wanted to go to PJC last night but no one I was with wanted to go. They wanted to stay in Burlington. Oh well. Next time I will just go by myself. The only issue then though is finding somewhere to crash or having big money for the cab home!

today is a new day; let's hope the sun finally comes out!

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