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Bob Weir snapped?


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Not sure how true this is,especially since I just read it on Terrapin's board.

According to discussion boards on Ratdog.org and Philzone.com, Bobby lost it last night during the show. Every review says it was a smoking show, and the band was really great. The set list looked very sweet indeed. According to what's been posted, Jay Lane missed a change and Bob turned around, cursed loudly at Jay, kicked either the bass drum or a speaker monitor near it, and gave Jay the finger.

Someone with a backstage pass of some kind, posted that he/she wasn't allowed backstage after the show because the band was in a "meeting." Someone else said she/he saw Jay slam out of the back of the bus saying "I can't take his outbursts anymore." Or something like that.

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My Comments: All in all, a solid show, the second set was beast. Bobby seemed to be in a bad mood pretty much the whole night, but they rocked on every song. It was a small venue, 1,800 people, not to many people dancing, but still a good crowd. The drummer was pretty zonked out the whole night, and they were rocking a Sugaree jam and Bobby called for everyone to end the jam with silence, just cutting it off as the jam climaxed. The drummer was too fucked up to realize this and kept playing, so it sounded a little funny. Bobby than turned to him, screamed at him and kicked the drum set. The roadies had to come out and fit it up. It was pretty funny. Unfortunately it may have cut the night a little short. Instead of doing slip!>franklin's to end the second set, they ended with Foolish Heart and than not more than 45 seconds later came out for the Franklin's tower encore. Show started at 7:05 and ended at 10:00. Even tho it ended early, great time, lotta fun to see Rob Borraco out there (Bobby called him "That character with the headband over there" when he was doing the intros. Great show, can't wait for this summer.
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I'd like to hear this show,I was chatting with a guy on Terrapin and he was sayng that you could hear the difference in the show after that all occured.Funny how some folks find a 3 hour show disapointting..at least the guy I was talking to did.

Be more interesting to see some video of it..

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