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Tired of sleeping in that same old boring bed? Had enough of that oh-so-comfy mattress?

then come along with me on the "get up offa that floor" couch tour 2004!!~

youll see many exotic locales, sleep where you havent slept before, wake up to weird people looking down at you!

the fun never stops!!!! ::

an entire couch tour -04 pass is only 69.95 payable to me

so for any other homeless folks out there,, lets bond together and GET OFFA THAT FLOOR!

there will be a contest soon,, the happy winner will get to cast away that sweet squishy mattress and live it day by day with the rest of us.

Teeshirts with couch tour -04 logos will be available by the end of this month along with stickers, compilation cds, and hordes of other useless merch ::

*******************this message brought to you by T.O.O.L.Y

(Tourin Off&On Locally for Years)

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Oh my God, I was on couch tour back in 94' all the way to 98'. I can't believe it's still going on.

I heard that scenes kind of sold out now. Lost it's edge, some say. Some heads have turned to futons, which is a shame, cause that's not what couchin is all about.

Anyway, have a good tour bra, don't get got up in all those pillows. Maybe I'll see you on shakedown.

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