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Passport needed to cross border?????


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I heard that as of sometime soon all Canadians will need a passport to travel across the border- anyone know any truth behind that?

Is anyone going to Hornings Hideout for SCI, Spearhead, STS9, YMSB and Kellar next month? Does anyone have room??? Or want to car pool? I have a ride down with some kids from Calgary but 2 of them have records and I don't wanna risk not getting into the USA, its hard enough as it is ::never mind criminal records. Anyone goiing to Telluride?

I like this new West Coast/ East Coast dealio, I never bothered posting before cuz it was all T Dot folk on the board, and I just don't fit into that scene much :P.

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I've had lots of friends cross without the passport. For moe. tour last year they even made it accross with temp issues with no picture ID from the license burrow because of a stolen wallet. They're hairy at the board 'literally' lol, so it could go either way. I got pull off once and sent to immigration because we had someone from Ontario with us. OOOOOOOOO...OH NO....ONTARIO!!! lol...



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I've been denied entry twice (for no apperant reason) so every time I get called in I get interogated and they now have the right to deny me because of previous denial... SUCKS! Philpsyde, I now drive a car (rather than a bus) and cut my natties off so maybe I won't get called in anymore... keep your fingers crossed for me- I'm trying to go into Wa tonight for DSO and the Big Wu... I'll let ya know how she works out.



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There isn't really any specific needs... but I got shut down a few months ago for the first time in about 300 crossings!! The most effective way to get across? Pay the $37.50 to the RCMP to acquire a criminal record check from Ottawa (they'll give you clearance paperwork) and have your passport handy. I'm not sure about the rest of Canada, but Peace Arch meatheads are chomping at the bit to send us back home... so I say take the questions and power away from them.

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