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zimmerman pt3

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I was thinking today, what the fuck was that whole show about?????

I can't seem to get a synopsis on it; all websites are catered to the knowledgeable fans, keeping me out in the cold.

Also, how PSYCH were those opening credits!!!!! That caramel swirl always hypnotized me when I was young, yet the rest of the show kind of bored me to tears, unless the Draleks were involved, "EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE"!

Another thing (and this goes out to any local jambands looking for new covers):


It's totally up for grabs and it would surely fire up any 20-something crowd (50's crowd too). You can download the full 1980 version off Kazaa.


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Dr. Who is pure gold. One of my favourite shows when I was young. I even fashioned a scarf after Tom Baker's when I was eight. I still wear it. I was thrilled when I got the preview of the digital cable. It's on all the time on BBC Kids.

nero has covered the theme song, or rather they jammed it out in the middle of Frankenstein. They don't play Frankenstein anymore so I think the Dr. Who theme is out. I've keep pestering them though. They played it well.

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Hey Phunky:

http://www.angelfire.com/tv/fraggles/audio/downloads.htm - Fraffle Rock indeed ROCKS! I actually might see if Uncle Seth wants to do that, maybe as part of something. Tara is a HUGE fan, and the other guys are always up for something different.

And zimmerman - it's been YEARS since I saw that show, but the basic premise as I remember it was basically this dude Dr. Who who is a "Time Lord" travels around through time & space right'ing wrongs and having wacky adventures with all sorts of different partners, including a robotic dog named K9. Time Lords apparently live more or less forever but occasionally need to regenerate their bodies into a new form, thus the various actors that played Dr. Who throughout the show's run.

There's my relatively lame synopsis, I'm sure there's a more accurate and comprehensive one out there somewhere. Oh, and as far as covering the theme I do know that Pink Floyd does a little quote in "One Of These Days". I'm positive there are tonnes of bands that have covered it out there.


Mr. M.

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