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Bob Weir on Al Franken

Montoana Haze

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I haven't listened to it yet but aren't they off the air now? I thought they ran out of money. When you think about it that is the one thing the Right has done really well is capitalize on the so-called right wing moral majority whether it's radio in the form of Rush Limbaugh and the Dr. Laura Schlessinger's or on tv the Bill O'Reilly's and Fox News. Interestingly Al Gore and his backer have bought CBC Newsworld International a not unsignificant cable asset with a good existing subscriber base to become a sort of left wing or at least balanced (not in the sense of 'fair and balanced') take on the news. Then there's the whole Al Gore connection to the Dead breakup and rift around his venture capitalist dead head buddy who wanted to capitalize the digitizing of the vault with the implication that the vault was collateral- Hunter called this papering the walls of the vault with advertising. So it'll be interesting to see if Franken ends up on this new cable channel and likewise I think Fox News is sneaking on the digital cable channel in Canada for a real dose of down home right wing muck raking.

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Slightly unrelated but from the same site:


From Martin Schram:

The Bush-Cheney Big Lie Strategy is based upon the time-tested notion that political journalists still do not understand that political TV ads have all but replaced political speeches as the dominant form of communicating to voters -- and thus, must be covered with the same prominence and attention to accuracy as speeches.

Instead, journalists and their editors still permit Candidate X to distort _ even flat-out lie about -- an opponent's record in TV commercials that reach hundreds of millions of voters, without calling them on it in a prominent, page-one story that they would run if Candidate X had uttered the same lie in a speech to an audience of maybe 500 people. Nowadays, newspaper journalists pat themselves on the back for even mentioning the distortion or inaccuracy _ in the umpteenth paragraph of a little box titled "Ad Watch" that they run buried back with the aluminum-siding and snow-tire ads.

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