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All party debate on the environment here in Ottawa


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Info below. For those interested in what each party is promising for the environment this would be pretty interesting. Especialy because the Conservatives will even be there!

National All-Party Debate

National politicians will debate questions on biodiversity, climate change, water, pesticides, toxics, and smog.

Debaters -

Liberal Party - David Anderson

Conservative Party - Bob Mills

NDP - Peter Tabuns

Bloc Québécois – Thierry Larrivée

Green Party - David Chernushenko

Panelists -

Elizabeth May, Sierra Club of/du Canada

Jean Langlois, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society

Daniel Green, Société pour vaincre la pollution

Julia Langer, World Wildlife Fund Canada

Barry Turner, Ducks Unlimited Canada


Kate Jaimet – Journalist, Canwest Global

Monday, June 21st, 2004 @ 10:30am

Museum of Nature

234 McLeod St.

For more information / Pour plus d’informations:

Pierre Sadik, Green Budget Coalition/ Coalition du Budget Vert,

613-562-3447 ext. 236

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I wonder why them and not the Green?

Kick backs?

I also groaned at the start time. Was this organized by the Conservatives so that no one would be there?

Edited to add... Is this really going to be any different from any other candidates debate where every question is deflected in favour of a stock answer to a question that wasn't even asked? It's so insulting to my intelligence.

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Ollie - You can answer that question by attending!

The panelists were also the organizers of the event. Personally I think it takes balls on the part of the conservatives to show up at something like this, and if anything it will be fun to watch them squirm amidst so many lefties.

Should correct myself about GReenpeace too..They didn't necessarily endorse the party, but they reviewed the platforms of all the majors and came out endorsing the environmental promises made by the NDP. The NDP has even said they would stand by thosse promises if they were elcted to a minority government, something the other parties have not expressly agreed to.

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They didn't necessarily endorse the party, but they reviewed the platforms of all the majors and came out endorsing the environmental promises made by the NDP.

I don't know if you were at that screening of The Corporation that Broadbent had as part of Mayfest, but I loved he outlined a plan to hold Canadian companies accountable for environmental (as well as other) acts regardless of what country those acts are commited in. Also, I really like the idea of offering tax incentives to companies that increase their sustainability.

To me that makes a lot of sense. Being left I don't agree with (or see the point) of all these tax breaks for large companies that, as far as I'm concerned, can afford to pay higher taxes. But money talks right, so if you take away those, unearned tax breaks, but then offer breaks for companies that go green (or greener at any rate) then that incentive should really be tempting.

I dunno.. maybe I'm talking out of my ass.. it's 2:00 pm on a Friday and my blood alcohol level is currently 0.. that's sad

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