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SPAC thoughts...


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i am not going to post a song-by-song review, as that would be a waste of everyone's time including mine.

so just a few thoughts from me, and things i have learned from the past is to expect nothing, and i am going to treat coventry the same way.

there were some really amazing -- intense -- jams, lots of energy, a great song selection over both nights, a cute father's day present from page, overall 2 excellent shows.

the highlight for me, was YEM, and seeing trey suggest it to each band member (by way of the video screens) is quite honestly what this is all about. they are making music (emphasis on making), creating a tone/mood. not just replaying songs in a live setting, which will remain to be the best thing about phish, and what i will undoubtedly miss the most.

eventhough this wasn't my last show, i can't help but feel nostalgic, i have seen many shows (i will end it on an even 30, all pre-hiatus aside from IT), some great and some not so great. for the record, i have never seen page, mike and fish so tight. they completely overshadowed trey in my opinion, it really enforced trey's comment in "specimen's of beauty" that "page has a new found confidence". it was really amazing, and sad, to see they've progressed so much. knowing that it will be over soon.

i do not want to rant on this, or sound like a whiner, but i did find trey's flubs a little distracting. and i just hope that he is giving this the respect it deserves...

see you in coventry.

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My $0.02 on the first night.

Great show. In the top 5 of the 40 or so I've seen since 96. Beautiful venue, and a groovy vibe from the crowd with an altogether chill attitude from "the man". Phans still talk about the funk, but I think that the funk has given way to a decidedly more hooked rock sound. Very inspired playing from the whole band, with stand out moments from both Mike and Fishman.

The Reba opener was very strong. Set the tone for the evening; which was very rock driven. I absolutely love this bliss jam, so I had a great start to my evening. They kept the energy high through Jim and NICU. You could tell that they were moving into a comfortable space with Scents. The jam was indicative of the direction that Phish has been heading with its recent creations; it flowed nicely through a psycadelic jaunt in the woods. Everyone had some subtle contribution. Wolfmans was pretty standard, fun, but nothing special. Walls of the cave was a bit of a suprise. I don't really groove on the first section of the song, but the second movement was outstanding. It's this sort of creativity that make me wonder why they don't see a future together. Bowie was entertaining but didn't have the intensity of some of the previous tunes in the set.

I was stoked to here Ocean as the second set opener. I think it’s a highlight of the new album and it didn't disappoint live. The liquid jam was totally engrossing, a beautiful way to start the second set. Piper... What to say? As with all jams of this length there were many peaks and valleys. My love for these types of jams comes from hearing the creative development of the bands collective thought process. The second half of the jam had Trey vamp on the Twezzer reprise lick (on Mikes subtle suggestion), but they never fully launched into the tune. Instead, Trey built the jam by playing a single note from the progression and holding it for 8 bars a time. Totally sick. Jiboo was beautiful with Trey playing in an almost Jerry type style with and auto wah type effect. Limb by Limb is a favorite of mine because it always leads to a soaring jam. As I expected this was full speed ahead, and they should have ended the show at this point. Cavern was entertaining but forced and partially forgotten (Trey highlighted the "foggy cavern" of his mind). A fun sing along nonetheless. I enjoyed Velvet Sea, simply because it's nice to head off into the lots on a chill note after such a raging show.

I really feel as though Phish is playing as a cohesive unit right now. This is their last tour and they're out to show everyone that they've still got the magic. There were many of the blissful moments we search for throughout the show, reaffirming again my love for music and life.


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The SPAC shows were great. They were # 59 and 60 for me, and two of the better shows I have seen in recent years. The Second sets from both nights were outstanding. The Piper was sick, and the second set of 2nd night was nearly as good (-7, Twist, especially!)

The scene at SPAC sucked. The traffic was a nightmare both in and out, and there were way too many sketchy folks. I love this band more than any other, but the scene is almost too much sometimes. The organized shows remove all the crap and just allow you to get to your seat and enjoy the shows without all the 'cool' kids ruining it for everyone. Speaking of 'cool' the kids beside me second night on the lawn were snorting coke and completely out of it by the time second set happened, completely missing the best part of the show. Nothing like having a good time. Brutal.


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