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Lookin' for Beads

Phunky Cauldron

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there is a wonderful bead store in guelph.....i think it's called beadazzled and it is perhaps on carden street......memory is failing me today! i have seen beads such as those there before, but i also haven't been there in a while.

also.....try this...worn beadies is a store in toronto that makes hand made glass beads very similar to the ones you posted. phone number is 416-994-6461, sorry i don't have an address

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hmmm...I've been looking myself for that style of glass beads....I think your best bet is to find a local glass blower.....there is a glass blower in Merrikville I've been meaning to approach...he does more vases and home things rather than heady kind of things but you never know....let me in if you find something out and I'll do the same.

There is a cool bead shop in Montreal called Chaton Beads-7541 St.-Hubert-514.278.8989-514.278.5254. They have a pretty cool

selection and great prices. In Ottawa we have The Ottawa Bead supply(I think thats the name)if memory serves me and it often doesn't they are on Collenade road.again not the kind of bead you request but they do have beading supplies and sell Hemp for decent prices. [Wink] Hope this is usefull.

ooops..memory working....Canada Bead Supply...rather than 'Ottawa'

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