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Anyone else like the Beastie Boys?

I still cannot decide if I like this album or not...Some of it reminds me of Organized Rhyme, while some of it reminds me of old school DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince...but thier are some classic beastie lines...It ain't no Ill Communication that's fer sure...


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Anyone else like the Beastie Boys?

I still cannot decide if I like this album or not...Some of it reminds me of Organized Rhyme, while some of it reminds me of old school DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince...but thier are some classic beastie lines...It ain't no Ill Communication that's fer sure...


I've got it.. spun it a few times.. it hasn't grabbed me yet. oh well.. we are all allowed to release some uninspired work from time to time.. I mean if we aren't Neil Young would have been out of a job ages ago :)

ok.. let the flames engulf me :)

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I've only heard the first single... Something I always loved about the Beasties was how their singles were so completely different from anything I'd ever heard... Remember "Hey Ladies" or "Intergalactic"? Songs that grabbed you and made you pay attention... Their first single (I don't even care to know what it's called) is rather generic and boring... Nothing groundbreaking there... This is one Beasties album I will not be purchasing...

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Haven't heard it yet. There was an interview with them speaking about how they wanted to use their voice, to get people to vote Bush out with this album......looking forward to hearin' her.

That's one of the songs I am not a big fan of...

I wonder which song they released...not sure...

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