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Derek Trucks and Randy Bachman 06/26/04


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After I saw America do a post game concert at the Buffalo Bisons game at Dunn Tire Park I ran over to the Erie Basin Marina. At the Marina the WNED Buffalo Niagara Guitar Festival free finale concert was happening.

I caught the end of the Derek Trucks Band set. Unfortunately I couldn't see more of Trucks, but luckily I caught them perform Curtis Mayfield's "Freddie's Dead" (which was weird since I saw Poco perform Mayfield's "Amen" the night before).

Randy Bachman, who I still can't get over how much weight he lost a couple of years ago, came on to close the festival. Bachman's set was a mix of classic Guess Who and Bachman-Turner Overdrive tunes. The Guess Who songs were sung well by Bachman's keyboardist/guitarist Colin Arthur Wiebe. The crowd was a mix of bikers and college students and they were quite into the Bachman set.

I had seen Bachman's solo band perform last year at Brock University do a VH1's Storyteller style gig. This show was way less informative and way more rocking.

Here was Randy Bachman's setlist.

Start time 7:38pm

1. Instrumental (I think it was a Stevie Wonder song?)

2. No Sugar Tonight/New Mother Nature

3. Undone

4. Let It Ride

5. These Eyes

6. Four Wheel Drive

7. Looking Out For #1

8. American Woman

9. Roll On Down The Highway

10. No Time

11. Hey You > Alright Now (Free) > Rockin' Me Baby (Steve Miller Band) > Hey You > Honky Tonk Woman (The Rolling Stones) > Wild Thing (The Troggs, I think) > Hey You > Should I Stay Or Should I Go (?)

12. You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Encore 13. Takin Care Of Business

Finish set 8:49pm (Total time 1 hour 10 minutes)

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No arguments here Jaimoe, Everytime I see a Randy Bachman show be it with the Guess Who or solo the crowd is always so receptive. Bachman has written so many rock anthems it blows my mind each song that is performed.

I was happy to see the Guess Who reform after the PanAm Games a few years ago because I felt that Bachman started to get the recognition that he so rightfully deserves. Lenny Kravitz covering "American Woman" making it a hit for the second time didn't hurt too much either. Also with The Guess Who being mentioned in good light in the Cameron Crowe film "Almost Famous" was great too.

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Another important thing about Randy is that he seems to keep re-inventing his guitar style. He's so lyrical and aggressive in his lead playing nowadays - see the Stones SARS-fest. He is getting better with age and continues to be innovative, ala Townshend and Jeff Beck. Too bad Jimmy Page hasn't done the same thing.

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