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Funny story for today re: ME


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So everyday I set my alarm clock at 4:45am to wake up at around 5am then I get my routine going. Get up, make some coffee, have a smoke, brush my teeth, get dressed, (hope that I'll see me regular, Tony, and he'll keep me updated with his stories, like the two foot long hotdog he ate last night, and trying to figure out how deep water is (that's another story)) and then off to work I go...This morning was no different, with one exception...It was rather dark outside, so I just assumed it was going to storm, the sun is usually just coming up around that time so it's normally a bit lighter outside...Just about to strap on my bus driving shoes, only to look at the clock and see that it's 1:30 IN THE MORNING!!!

so back to sleep i went...

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haha... its always funny when that happens. Last year, the day before moe.down we played in syracuse. went and got a hotel after the show and I set the alarm. nice and early so we'd get there early. So we wake up and the alarm had not gone off and its about 1pm we all start freaking out, getting showers done and rushing out of the hotel into the van and then we realize that its 8am. Apparently I had set the time ahead 5 or six hours. ooppps. I should never be responsible for setting an alarm clock. I try, I double check, but I always fu©k it up. Anyways.... we had a nice breakfast and got to the gig with time to spare. :)

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