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Wilco on the World Cafe, this Friday (07/23/04)


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Wilco's set was only three songs, and an interview that in total lasted around twenty minutes, but it was still worth it.

The three songs performed were "Hummingbird," "Late Greats" and "Ashes of American Flags."

During the interview David Dye asked a question of jamming in the studio, which he must have recognized Jeff Tweedy's face as he then said "Jam is not a good word." And Tweedy responded "No jam is not a good word." I guess jam has a real stigma attached to it in America right now?

Unfortunately Mike Jorgensen one of their keyboardists was not at the World Cafe performance because his mother died the day before. My thoughts and prayers go out to Mike right now during this sad time.

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I wonder if Tweedy is worried that because of Phish's demise, Wilco might start to get an increase in jamband fans at their concerts?

I know Tweedy abhors the jamband scene, but Wilco does have a following within that community, whether he like it or not - and it will increase.

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I've been a fan of Jeff Tweedy and Wilco since 1997, and I think they would welcome anbody into their shows with open arms. I went and saw them in Harrisburg, PA open their 2002 fall tour at a gym in a Christian college. I talked to Wilco's road manager and he said they'll take a booking wherever they can get it. They have struggled for such a long time, I can't see them not enjoying a larger audience.

I've seen hippies at their shows, I'm sorta one of them. But since Wilco doesn't change it up much from night to night, I don't think they have to worry about heads following them around from town to town.

I first saw Wilco and Phish in 1997. I've now seen Wilco 11 times (not including the August 3rd show), Golden Smog 2 times, and Jeff Tweedy solo 1. That's 14 gigs with Tweedy. I've seen Phish 31 times (not including Coventry), Trey Anastasio Band 7 times, Oysterhead 2 times and Dave Matthews and Friends 2 times. That's 42 gigs with Trey. If Wilco mixed it up like Phish did I would be near the same amount of shows for Wilco as I'm at for Wilco. Since they don't I'm content just to see them when they come around, I would never tour with Wilco.

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