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Bob Dylan plugs in for the first time 07/25/1965


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On this day (July 25, 1965) Bob Dylan shocks the world and plugs in performing electric set for the first time in front of an audience at the Newport Folk Festival. Forever changing the face of popular music, melding folk music with rock and roll, creating folk rock. Even more than that Bob Dylan paved the way for rock music to have serious lyrics within its songs. For anyone who has ever written a song with serious lyrics within the genre of rock and roll are forever in Dylan's debt.

I remember in my Introduction to Music class in 1994 at Carleton University. My professor wouldn't give me an extra mark giving me an A-, because I forgot to mention that Dylan created a hybrid between folk music and rock and roll music. Though I wrote out the date of when it happened and wrote much of what you see above he would not give me the single mark because I did not use the one word he wanted to read, hybrid. What an a*% hole.

At that point I had yet to see Bob Dylan live. After August 6th in Cooperstown, NY I'll have now seen the greatest lyricist of all time, twenty-one times.

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man, Cooperstown is a great place... if you've never been to the Hall of Fame, you should check it out (even if you're not a fan of the game, the lore and history involved is amazing)... there are also a few other really cool baseball themed museums in the town, names escaping me right now, it's been 8 years since i was there, but i remember a really cool wax museum... and im sure that show is gonna kick a lot of ass... what a setting!!

thanks for fillin' in for esau on the dylan facts/trivia.. hehe..

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