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BNB in Ottawa tomorrow (7/31)?


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I haven't seen anybody else discussing it, but Burt Neilson Band is playing in Ottawa at Babylon tomorrow (Saturday) night.

Here's the deal, though: it's a (semi-) private party, for the Ottawa Ultimate Frisbee Association Annual Party. I put a post on the BNB message board, and a response said that I could e-mail my name to get put on a list of non-members who were allowed to get tix (their tour dates say there are 100 available at the door, so you need to get there early). I haven't e-mailed yet, so I'm wondering if it's too late, and/or if other are interested in going.



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I would be worried that someone would approach me and start talking the ultimate frisbee jargon. Like "hey dude, see that reverse backside toss I flipped ole kippy last week"

I would freeze up at something like that.

frozen, until the band started playing, then I would slowly back away from this individual, and I mean slowly, but always maintaining eye contact..until a 3rd party crosses the field of visionof course/

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I would freeze up at something like that.

frozen, until the band started playing, then I would slowly back away from this individual, and I mean slowly, but always maintaining eye contact..until a 3rd party crosses the field of visionof course/

That's always the best way to play it around those Ultimate kids... Next thing you know, it's "brah" this, and "heady" that... fu©king freaks... ;)

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