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Pogues reunion 2004


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For those interested.

Dam,I wish I was able to make any of these shows,maybe a visit to my brother in St.Andrews is in order for christmas....

Monday 13 Glasgow Academy

Tuesday 14 Glasgow Academy

Thursday 16 Newcastle Arena

Friday 17 Birmingham Academy

Saturday 18 Manchester Evening News Arena

Monday 20 London Brixton Academy

Tuesday 21 London Brixton Academy

Thursday 23 Dublin The Point

Tickets on sale in september.


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It would be a risk travelling to see the reunited Pogues. Shane is notorious for not showing up at gigs - i.e., he's too wasted to sing.

Two years ago, he spent the night in a Toronto hospital while a packed Lee's Palace waited, but to no avail. I was one of the unfotunate Popes fans that went home without seeing those rotted teeth.

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It would be a risk travelling to see the reunited Pogues. Shane is notorious for not showing up at gigs - i.e., he's too wasted to sing.

True,but as I mentioned,I would be visiting my brother who lives in St.Andrews Scotland,so if we journeyed south to England,the only risk being taken would be the people who got in our way,I wouldn't travel there just for the pogues thats for sure...LOL

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Shane's a drunken, larger than life musical icon, and the Pogues are a great and influential band.

I agree,although even smashed he was freakin entertainin' that for sure.He was well on his way in '96 (just before I took really ill) at the Warehouse show,which was the second show & last time I ever saw them live.We got there a bit late so we missed the beginning of the set but what we saw was great.Not sure who was more drunk that night,my g/f or him...LOL ::

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