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Relay for Life - Cancer Society Donations


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Good Morning Everyone!

I know there is a lot of us on this board who has had Cancer touch their lives in one way or another.

My Mom wanted to pass this on to anyone who would be interested in donating $5.00 to pledge her in a Cancer Walk for Life.. for my brother Scottieking. My mom is an amazing woman who volunteers a lot of her time to help Cancer patients, works with the families, and comforts the sick and the dying.

Please read my Mom's words:

Hi Lisa,

I am emailing you to ask you if you could please forward this request to any of your friends and Scott's friends that you think would support me in my Fundraiser for the Cancer Society.

Any amount of money would be greatly appreciated. I am a Team Captain for a team from Chesley that we are putting into the "Relay for Life" walk on Friday, September 24th, 2004. Our team has 12 members and each team member must bring in a minimum of $100.00 each of pledges. We will be walking in a Relay from 7 p.m. in the evening until 7 a.m. in the morning.I am walking in this Relay because Cancer has touched my personal life ( and our family) over the past two years in losing my Mom, with Scott being diagnosed, my brother Ken, and then losing my good friend Judi. I am so proud of my team as it consists of 9 of Scott & Lisa's cousins and 2 good friends of mine who are going to help me out. Two of the youngest cousins aged 11 are walking in the relay and getting pledges...

I am very passionate about this Relay for Life because I feel that the monies raised for Research, has enabled the medication Thryogen, to be made available and this is what Scott was able to take. This would not have been there for him three years ago with out the Research dollars. and anything we can do now will make it that much better for the next five years.

Before I give you the instructions as to how to Pledge your support for me ( but mostly for SCOTT ... ) I want to thank anyone who does support me from the bottom of my heart... I know that as young people your hard earned money is important for all kinds of other committments and truly I mean it when I say $5.00 is great... every little bit helps!!

After the RELAY is completed I will have Lisa email you and let you know how we did. Take time to surf the Relay for Life web site it is really powerful. We are hoping to have Scott walk in the Survivor's walk at the beginning of the night.

Thank you again,

Dianne King ( Scott & Lisa's Mom)

If anyone feels that they can support me please follow the next set of instructions:

1. Go to the Internet Website and type in www.cancer.ca

2. Get Involved is the site that you want to go to

3. Relay for Life is the next site you will choose

4. Where it asks you to pledge someone ... here is the following information

Dianne King

Team Name is: Chesley Sleepwalkers

Location: Owen Sound

Amount of monies: As I said before ANY AMOUNT IS APPRECIATED.

If you have any questions please feel free to email Lisa.

Thank you to anyone that is able to contribute.

Peace, Love, Happiness


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