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nero Ottawa 420


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Me, Alexis, fresco and superstar DJ Angus made it back yesterday, what a crazy night. Ottawa definately showed they could do it right. We arrived in town and headed over to Jay's (Jaybone's?) place for some drinking and debauchery. Chilled there, Jay makes an excellent host. We scored a ride to the venue and got dropped off. Here's where my night gets REALLY blurry. Babylon is a pretty cool venue. Lots of room to dance with easy access to the bar. Not that I was drinking much. Angus was spinning when we showed up. Some nice beats, nothing too insane but some nice dancable beats. I saw the nero boys, Stapes and a few other people before the show got started. I walked over to Angus, and he goes "the guys are going to play out of this track..." I ran to my spot, front and center as always, and sure enough nero seamlessly played out of the track that Angus was spinning. So phat! Great first set, no idea what they played, but it was very high energy and very good. Setbreak came, I don't remeber much, other than chewing on the end of a pen to stop my teeth from grinding so hard, and watching some dude do a headspin on the dance floor. Second set started and that's when things got really crazy. The dancers came out in force as nero once again played seamlessly out of Angus' track. I know a Darius was played, a sick ass Zedonk and a Centragnome. Not sure what else, but again, great energy. Pumpkin Song and something else encored, I love Ottawa Pumpkin Song's, great crowd response. The show ended, and as promised Stapes stepped up and led us to the afterparty at Todd's. Somewhere along the way a couple of the most annoying girls I've ever met were somehow picked up (one from the show, another a stranger on the street who asked us if we were going to a big party). A short walk later and we were at Todd's. Crazy scene. Upstairs madness at Todd's, crazy scene downstairs at The Sloth's place. There was more than one casualty coming out of The Sloth's, Angus being the most notable: "Give me a double!". I've never seen so much Red Bull in my life. The Ottawa boys were great hosts, making sure everything was taken care of from smokes to beer to vodka to whatever else you needed. The numbers started to thin out with several people donning sissy pants. The sun came up and it got serious. Vodka, OJ and Red Bull mix drinks were served, plans were made to ditch the two annoying girls, and head over to Lauzon's to do some serious partying. After a quick stop at my car to grab some more beer we got dropped off at a corner store to get some smokes and get to Dave's.

It was the final four: myself, Dave, The Sloth and Stapes. We got smokes, Stapes grabbed the case and we headed to Dave's. Here's where tragedy struck: we heard the sound of glass breaking, repeatedly. The bottom of the case was wet, we lost all but 4.5 beers (out of around 15 or 16). We wiped away our tears, grabbed what we could and made it back to Dave's. Still had a great time just talking shit and listening to Dave and Stapes argue in a Ween vs. Kimock debate. I think it was around 3pm when I had to leave (bitch of a drive back to Mississauga, only took us about 4.5 hours). I seriously had a fantastic time in Ottawa. The crowd was givene'r at the show and at the afterparty. I take back whatever I might have said about a lack of partying in Ottawa. Of course Stapes and The Sloth get mad high marks for effort that night. And as always, the boys were on in full form. I'm so thankful to be a part of these shows and parties, and to be able to see such fantastic music night after night with nero. These guys have yet to disappoint, and I don't see it in the future either. I've said it once and I'll say it again: get the tapes! On a side note, we were all very disappointed that there was no Chatham representation that night. Ottawa had prepared for the worst, and a lot of talk of sissy pants came up when your names were mentioned. There are some serious explanations needed. Stapes: thanks again, you definately had you party pants on that night, how much stuff did you spill on them anyways? The Sloth, great to meet you finally, I look forward to partying with you again, can't wait to hook up some trades. Pablo: always a great time. You can give'r like you're from Southern Ontario dude, seriously. nero: sick times as always. Todd, thanks for the afterparty and for taking care of Alexis in the morning. I REALLY appreciate it. We owe you big, dude. Best 4-20 I've ever had, can't wait for Saturday!

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man oh man, what a kick as discription !! wow u certainly made the stu dog feel jealous.. loved to of been there, but having an exam this morning at 9am there would of been no way in hell i would of been in quality shape to write my exam !!

maximizing my attendence at the nero shows and not attending my classes on a regular didn't hold up well with my studying preperations.. so 420 was a study weekend.. booooooooooooooooooring.. i even had to let my poor buddy zeddy down.. he was in tears .. ( but he ended up at e.k at the magic bag), thanks for not hold a grudge zeds)

yep you have to give credit to those ottawa cats always fun, had a fun time on new years as well, right on dudes.

stapes it was good to hear your name in the final four, always the heart of the party (but ween ?).. dave i new u would be there (way to represent chatham).. i hope several pictures were taken of the survivers.. can't wait to see pictures from the show !!

well thanks for the behind the scenes look jay.. right on can't wait to hear more..

keep on roll'in ..

[big Grin]

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Fun 420, Im still dragging my ass pretty bad today (yesterday was a write-off). Nero smoked - cant remember the setlist all that well (always a good sign, the pumpkin song ->mikomard encore was my only real lucid moment) - lots of fun afterwards (Jordan and Angus, sorry for the punishment but you asked for it). Still finding bottles of god damn red bull all over the place.

Jay, great meeting you, fresco and Alexis. Cmon back anytime - ill drop you guys an email sometime this week about some trades. Too bad the whole whack of Chatham kids couldnt make it up but theres always next time.

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Here's where my night gets REALLY blurry.

Thats the hardest I have ever laughed reading a review.................

This is what I have for a setlist, not entirely sure how right it is:

Set 1

DJ Jam

Downside Up >

Joseph’s B&E Bonanza

401 Theme >

Do You Think I’m Sexy? >

401 Theme


Set 2

DJ Jam >

Darius >



Chocolate Monkey Machine >

Centregnome >

Chocolate Monkey Machine


Pumpkin Song


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hey there jay, thanks for the offer, ummmmmm, not sure about friday, think i am going to hamilton with a couple of fella's !!

thanks for the offer.. very kind.. might see u saturday ???

ya exams always seem to get in the way.. all done tomorrow.......... for ever !!!! party, party.. [big Grin]

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Jay/Stu/or any other takers

Friday we tear it up @ my house after DD/FC/Wilson

Saturday we tear it up @ somebody else's (jay)after Nero

Stu who's comin' up? Give me a ring Jay and I have the day off

Bacon Where the hell are ya?????

I need some tips on my headspin.....

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hey andy........ me, blair and mud so far !! no doubt we can convince bacon and his lady to show up oh and maybe zeds....

soooooooooo u are looking after the ambulance bill for me this time..? finally..... my mom hates having to pay !!!!! [Confused] see u fryday.......

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Hey Chatham Cats - see ya'll this weekend.

As for last weekend, thanks again to all the awesome Ottawa folk for showing us such a good time. Always a pleasure to see Velvet, Stapes, the nero boys, Graham and it was definately nice to meet The Sloth (those knives sure get hot) Bouche (or is it Booche) and Ms. Huxtable. Also a big shout out goes to Jay for hooking us up with some great eats before the show. Hope to see you crazy kids down in our neck of the woods sometime soon.

And last but not least - of course I have to thank Del-Head and Alexis for getting me safely from TO - Odot and back - without them I wouldn't be going to so many shows these days.

See everybody this weekend.

(This strangely sounds way too much like an acceptance speech)

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Stu Dog, that's too bad. Ottawa missed your and Zeddy's antics. Hopefully we'll see you guys in Toronto on Saturday. If you're coming up on Friday for the JSB show let me know. You guys can crash at our place. phishhead420@hotmail.com Should be another sick show, Ottawa was on fire.

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