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The Vaughan Argonaughts


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It's almost official: The Argos and Soccer Canada will build their new 25-thousand seat outdoor stadium at York University.

This news makes me sick. I'll never go to an Argos game now. It takes 50-60 minutes to travel the TTC to get there from downtown. And what amenities are there in that area that'll entice me to stick around after the game? Oh yeah, that big mall being built in Vaughan :D. Enjoy the suburbs Argos, but don't be surprised if you lose your fanbase.

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In fairness Jaimoe, what fanbase? I know I haven't been to an Argos game in years (In fact I think the last one I was at was against Shreveport, so that tells you something!) Them playing at Skydome was always stupid. And it's not like they didn't take a crack at getting a new downtown home, U of T were the ones who screwed them over first remember.

I say best of luck to the Argos, perhaps they'll develop a fanbase in the 'burbs, if so good on 'em.

- M.

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The Dome wasn't a good draw because everyone hates it. The Argos fanbase has grown to 25 thousand-plus easy per game, and the enthusiasm for the downtown stadium was large.

I'm just wondering about how enthused the enthusiastic urban Argo fans that wanted the Varsity deal are to the sprawl York developement?

I didn't go to Argos games because I hate the Dome with a passion. I reluctantly go to Jays games, but I despise the atmosphere there. There is no winner for Metro Toronto football and soccer fans.

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i don't think there is much fanbase to lose in toronto right now.. really, i think the skydome was the worst thing to ever happen to the argos when they barely get 10,000 a game, it looks terrible. i don't know much about the new location though, so i can't really comment. but i see what you mean. they're going to need some aggressive marketing to get people to come all that way (if they don't live in that area). i doubt many downtown torontonians are going to the games anyway.

i can't believe the turnaround that bob young has constructed with the tiger cats this season in hamilton.. today they're set to make a record for highest attendance throughout a whole season. pretty good for a team that won one game last season!

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I don't see CFL football as an urban appeal sport the way, say, NBA basketball is. The populations of Brampton, Markham, Vaughan & Richmond Hill add up to more than Calgary, Ottawa or Edmonton, so even if nobody who lives south of Steeles ever goes to see an Argos game again, there's still a big population of SUV drivers to take their place.

BTW I'm not saying this is a good thing by any means, I'm just stating a fact.

- M.

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If you look at Montreal as a model, they boomed with urban appeal when they moved into McGill Stadium in the downtown. York University ain't no McGill. U Of T could have generated the same kind of excitement.

I worked the Tennis Championships for 4 years at York and there is nothing appealing about the area, even with the new mall. Imagine if the Argos win the Grey Cup and the fans spill onto Steeles celebrating, then promptly get plowed over by SUV's and mini-vans.

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Hey I'm not arguing, U of T made sense to me too but they were the ones who backed out, not the Argos. (Which was really stupid on their part but don't get me started on U of T's insane politics... really, don't.) The Argos haven't been able to afford the Dome for a long time. If this means them not having to loose the francise in the long run, I say good on 'em.

- M.

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I hear you about the soccer thing, but for tourism and a walk-up crowd, the burbs makes terrible sense.

What I'd like to see is and effort to make the area more pedestrian friendly with a decided urban slant instead of the current sprawl embrace.

Incidently, the new 60 million dollar Canada Amateur Athlete complex will be built in Downsview PArk. Another part of the city I hate. Maybe these facilities can generate some kind of positive urban growth and development. I hope so.

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Be fair, Downsview has only been a park for a couple of years, give it time. And better they made it a park now than give it all away to developers to build yet another block of condos, and then have everyone cry later about the lack of park land. It'll be decades before the positive impact of Downsview is seen, but our kids and grandkids will see it. Best Chretien-era federal decision since Flag Day.

- M.

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