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skunk stink help


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So the other night I came home around 2am and something had eaten a lot of cherry tomatoes that were ripening in a bowl on my front step - it meticulolusly separated the ripe ones from the non-ripe ones and left the little skins behind. The little bastard then sprayed my downstairs neighbors' dog and left its stench all over my front step and yard. It somehow permeated into my living room (through the vents and from outside) and the rest of my place - does anyone have any martha stewart style solution to skunk smell? (I know about tomato juice if you're sprayed - it's the smell entity I need to kill) Thanks

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Spring 97ish - Young Street in Ktown

Staggering back from the Ports,

arriving at Paulies, what do we see? 4 skunks on the front lawn. How do we do? wait until Paul has to piss. What does he say? follow me. Where do I go? the house.

Swimming through the smell.................

I dont remember how it ended and I didnt stink, but we got fu©ked up. Does that help?

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Don't ask me why I have this page bookmarked, but I found it rather the science behind skunk odor rather intriguing from this page. Dispels the urban myth of tomato juice (do NOT try it, I had a white samoyed...she turned redish..not recommended!) Whats more, there are different kinds of skunks and they have varying levels of the chemical compounds that make it stinky! Kinda like..skunk and northern lights for example ;o)


I think this page has the info you need, 'cause it is based from a scientific viewpoint of neutralizing via chemical reactions. Let me know if it helps!

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I had to deal with this once, when my cat was sprayed. Apparently the reason people use tomato juice is that there is a small amount of some chemical in it that counteracts the chemical-smell from skunks. You should not use tomato juice, though, because there is not that much of that chemical in there and, of course, it stains.

Veterinary clinics sell a product that is essentially the anti-skunk-smell-chemical, mixed with a nice fragrance. I think the one I bought was called "Skunk Off". It worked really well.

Weezy, as you are in Vancouver, I highly recommend you call my favourite veterinarian, Dr. Noel Clancy at the Granville Island Veterinary Clinic. He'll set you up. Really good guy, and quite young too.

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