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sunshine of my life accentuate the positive

Groove Fetish

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Hey, hey - thanks soooooo much!

You guys are wonderful - we hope to make it to Guelph someday soon!! I'm very lucky to have JORDAN!! He's the most amazing GUY!!!

There's one thing I've learned in life, and that's try and make everything a positive. It's not always easy, but you only have one life to live - make it the best.

I can not express how the people I've met in this community have changed my life.

Hugs to all

(Thanks Groove Fetish - you put a big smile on my face)

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"There's one thing I've learned in life, and that's try and make everything a positive. It's not always easy, but you only have one life to live - make it the best."

You've learned this well from what I can tell! I've only met you a few times Lisa, but wow, you radiate positive energy!

And as for you and Jordan, I remember seeing the two of you talking at the moe. Ottawa show last year and thinking that you'd make a great couple. One of those gut instinct things, and obviously one that was right in this case.

Gotta run, my ride just arrived, heading to the Burt show, hope to see you soon (Lisa, and Jordan, and Tasha, and Pete!)

Peace, Mark

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"Will we see you in Ottawa this year???"

The year is going quickly and the calendar is pretty packed ... there's a small chance that I'll make the NYE show. I'm hoping that a road trip that is in the works for Feb. materializes!

"I always love dancing beside you" ... right back at you Sunshine! ::

Peace, Mark

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