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Winter storm warning for

Ottawa north - Kanata - Orleans continued

Wintry conditions for tonight and into Thursday morning.

This is a warning that dangerous winter weather conditions are

Imminent or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..

Listen for updated statements.

An intense low over southern Indiana will move towards southern Ontario this evening. This low is expected to track along the lower Great Lakes tonight and over the St Lawrence river Thursday morning.

Rain..Wet snow and snow will continue to move across southern Ontario this evening. Snow heavy at times will develop this evening over the areas north and east of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Snowfall amounts of 10 to 15 centimetres are expected north of a line From Goderich to Petawawa. For areas north of Grand Bend to Ottawa.. Precipitation will likely changeover to a few hours of freezing rain then to snow overnight.

This storm is expected to move east of the province Thursday morning.

In the wake of this storm..Snowsqualls will develop in the cold northwesterly flow off Lake Huron and Georgian Bay. Snow heavy at times and blowing snow are expected over the snowbelt regions.

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ummm yeah so it snowed today in the tdot. i ralphed all over my desk when i heard the rain turn to ice pellets and then big floofy snow flakes. i turned to my assistant and said, "ok i'm out, gotta beat the snow home"

within 10 minutes it kinda stopped, by the time i was home 25 mins later it was speckling rain again.

so winter's here. god it sucks ass. I need to find a winter sport or activity that involves being outside and not cold, while being here in the tdot. anyone? anyone? should i take up dancing on subway platforms? thank you thank you lord that i have a car. i can't believe i thought about getting rid of it last month.

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Alright folks!!

Let's find FUN in the snow!

It doesn't have to be horrible!!! ;)

Maybe I'm use to it.....growing up in Bruce County...where you couldn't go to school for 4 days cause there was so much snow!! Snow banks as high as the house!!

Nothing to do but learn how to enjoy it.

Tip number one: hats, mitts, scarf

Tip number two: SNOWPANTS - don't be embarrassed to wear them at this age. Throw them on before you head out:

a) you'll be warmer & smarter B) gives you the chance to make a snow angel any time of day!!!!

:: ::

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i definitely like some things about the snow... i remember playing out there and building forts and whatnot til it was bedtime when i was little... i guess my biggest beef with snow and winter weather is traveling in it. gotta take the 417 to work every day and it's a bit dicey on a good day. if it wasn't for that, bring on winter i'd say!

thanks for being your usual sunshiney self about it though, i'll try to think about tobogganing rather than black ice. :)

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