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possible ride friday...p.bro and west of.


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heya Beats (or anyone), looks like I'm lookin for a lift friday (anything's better than the 3 hour hamilton to toronto to kitchener bus trip)

not sure I can make guelph thurs (though that one hurts)

if hamilton's too far out of your way could bus it to somewhere closer to the route you're takin...

let me know your plans

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i'm taking my car in to get checked over today...just to make sure. seems my shocks seem a bit saggy (glad nobody wanted to buy it or else i'd look like a real prick) and i think it's electrical but we'll see. plans will be solidified in the next 24 hours my man!

i'd love to give you a ride if it's in the cards.

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well no stress either way, I'll figure something out... the bus is always an option, can just drink whiskey all the way there ::

good luck with your wheels, my friend... be good to do some travelin with yourself as well

if you do go to Kitchener are ya gonna continue on to Hamilton the next day?

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I think that if all things go well i'd make my way to london to visit a couple of friends I haven't seen in far too long.

When I left I kinda quit cold turkey. there are too many awesome people there and i may have had regrets...

however...if London's out then Hamilton could be in.

i'm corruptable but only to a point...i have to save money for christmastime debauchery and a bank account.

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well, if the car, she goes, and if you swing past hammertown on your way to kitchener friday... I'll be happy to man the cooler for ya on the ride (wouldn't want to strain yourself reachin into the back seat) ::

swing ya a few bucks and beers, etc. as well

to be honest, if anything changes by tomorrow I might just head to Guelph tomorrow night still, hopin to find a piece of floor and a lift to Kitch from there... will keep you posted as well

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sad news...change of plans...i'll have to party with you some other weekend.

i was looking to sell my car...and i'm doing it this weekend. taking it home and getting something smaller...hopefully a wagon.

i'll miss that ride.

but not the cost in fuel and on the environment.

(the grandpa facade did nothing for the ladies)

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