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Four and a half inches and growing....


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No... not that you dirties... my hair... it's getting there... at the very annoying stage now... but I am going to finally try to grow it long... It's annoying the frig out of me right now... but still have full intentions of finally becoming a long-hair (after about 5 tries)

Well, guess I should go to bed sometime today,


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Werd... Mine is FINALLY getting back to where it was when I cut it almost a year ago. I cut it for a job that I worked at for about 4 months. Boy, was I pissed... It's finally to where I can tuck it behind my ears and it stays! I can ALMOST put it in a ponytail, too! Actually I can, but it's only about an inch long, and looks pretty silly... Good luck... There is a few month period there where it is about the most annoying thing...

S from C

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it's been about four months since i cut off my dreads and my hair is also in the horrible middle stage. it's very difficult to avoid the girlie mullet right now, but so far it's not that bad. thank god for bandanas and hair pins. also, my blue dye has faded to brown and my blonde roots are coming out. compared to the brown they look kinda grey, so i look utterly ridiculous. oh well, i've grown my hair a zillion times and it goes fast. i find it really funny how people treat me differently according to what my hair looks like, ie. when i have dreads, short hair, blue hair, blonde hair or when i had hair down to my waist in highschool. it's funny. people are dumb.

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Yeah, I hear ya on that one... I've never had dreads, but I can only imagine... When I decided to cut my hair, I was selling life & health insurance. At first I thought it wouldn't matter, but I wasn't doing very well. My boss recommended that I cut my hair and see what happened. Lo and behold, I started selling more insurance, because people weren't (I assume) shutting me out simply because I am a guy with long hair. Now, a few months after that, my production went down the tubes, and I was let go, but that's a different story (though I often wonder why that was the case... I think it's that I didn't really feel that our policies/rates were all that beneficial to people, and I felt more like I was scamming people than helping them)

Anyway, it's crazy and ridiculous at the same time how quick people are to judge others based solely on appearance.

Steve-o Cleve-o

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