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I felt like a little kid who got lost in a department store or something... :)

ya'know, I had this exact same experience hyper-dosed at a Jerry show in ...? Rochecester??? It's so wonderful that there are kind folks in the world. I remember this one gal kind of approached me...I was sitting on the hockey arena boards, and must have looked lost/forlorn/freaked and she took my hand and told me everything was gonna be okay. I hung with her and her friends during set break until I had the wherewithal to look for my own friends again -- eventually finding them at the end of the show.

But I hear ya that I can't expect the same kindness at a Jack show. Sounds like I really did miss a prime opportunity at the record store!

As for my students' fashion tastes, I'm at an inner-city T.O. school and fashion seems Primarily gansta hip-hop for both black and white kids. Truly, I don't know which one I would prefer to see on a daily basis, though I gotta say, I still get a kick outta my male students not being able to stand up too quickly for fear of their ultra-baggy jeans dropping to their ankles!

And given that I shop exclusively second-hand for me and my kids, I hope I can be 'forgiven' ;) for not knowing the labels!!

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Well, that explains it then, I didn't realize you taught inner-city... My buddy teaches Inner-city in Columbus. He says it's pretty tough (not with the kids) because a lot of times the brightest kids have the parents that care the least, and what not... for the most part he loves the kids, but feels overwhelmed by his inability to help them all because of how desperate many of their situations are...

I salute you for shopping second-hand... No beeter store than a thrift store!!! And you explained why you didn't know them from school, so that makes perfect sense...

Speaking of tripped out stories, one of my best friends when I took him to his first Hookahville as a bunch of doses, and I lost him... I found him cowering by a garbage can in the middle of the vending area. I walked up and he started pouring his beer out, like he was doing something wrong. He was convinced I was a cop or wirking with the cops to bust him. It was funny once I calmed him down... It was his first festival, so he was a bit sketched, and thought that since this seems too good to be true, it probably is, and convinced himself that the whole thing was a sham to bust him... Ahhh... Delusions of Grandeur.


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Alas, I am about 6 hours from Vittoria... So I will NOT be able to make the Diesle Dog show, unfortunately... That Lake makes it difficult for me because I have to go all the way around the damn thing (one way or the other) in order to get to you guys... What have you heard about them doing a ferry across the lake? I know I've heard something about it in years past, wondered if you all had heard anything? It would make jaunts to Canada MUCH easier for me...

S from C

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