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Post-Move Thank-You and PARTY!


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I just wanted to once again thank everyone who helped Arcane and I with her move from Ottawa; it was a rushed, last-minute deal that wouldn’t have been possible without the fantastic assistance of the members of the board – and most notably, BradM for getting the team together in the final hours.

Arcane was just ecstatic to hear how many people came to her rescue – and we both owe you all a great debt of gratitude.

She’s feeling much better now – and I know she is planning on contacting all of you to personally thank you for her assistance.

We would like to hold some kind of “thank-you” event, and we thought we’d present options here to see what everyone thought (or to solicit alternate suggestions); the current options are:

(1) Montreal House Party: everyone come to Casa Arcane/Mercenary in Montreal for a house-party/chilli fest. As this place is a multi-level duplex, there’s a limit as to how much noise we can make… but we do have LOTS of space, 3 bathrooms, all the amenities and (most importantly) a well stocked bar. Arcane and I can probably arrange for transportation to Montreal as required by renting a min-van if necessary; certainly transportation within Montreal could be arranged for anyone who comes here by bus. We can probably do this anytime in the next couple of weeks. Big city... lots of fun.

(2) Cottage-Party: Arcane’s grandparents have a cottage on a lake near Duhamel (approx 2-1/2 hours from Ottawa). Big place… noise would be less of an issue… but somewhat more limited in terms of bathroom and shower space. Mercenary could bring the boat (depending on the time of year) and we can see just how well hippies float… er… then again… perhaps not. Transportation could be a real problem… but we could take Lennie and Squiggy (the resident raccoons) out dancing. We’d probably want to wait a month or two to get warmer weather and ensure the cottage isn’t snow/ice-locked, however the cottage is winterized and comes with a wood-stove. As long as we leave the cottage as we found it, we can pretty much do anything we want (hmmm... human sacrifice followed by Aztec orgy).

(3) Camp-Out: We’d need to find an appropriate place (but it would no doubt be closer to Ottawa)… and Mercenary can put his half-dozen or so tents to good use and show off his camp-engineer skills and build us a hippy-hotel out in the bush somewhere. Advantages: depending on the location, we can probably do pretty much anything we want (dancing naked around the fire-pit anyone?)… however, we have the classic problems of water, electricity, crappers, showers (if desired), police raids and the band warning everyone about the brown-acid (er… never mind). These are all fixable problems… and while this particular event may be the most complex in terms of logistics, it certainly has the most flexibility. It would, however, probably need to wait until late spring due to the weather (and the fact that Arcane is allergic to cold).

So… thoughts? Preferences? Let us know. ::

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well canned beats thinks that mercenary and arcane are the bomb.

the bar can be moved...i vote for either cottage party, or camp somewhere in the mountains with a nice view. vermont/the laurentians are close to montreal and the gatineaus are close to ottawa...

nudity/debauchery/sacrifices/acid is all good with me.

i'm safe...the aztecs sacrificed virgins, right?

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someone other than her?

why don't you just get a 2-4 or a keg?

i can nurse one all night...hell, for a whole weekend if i HAVE to...it all starts when i put that neck to my lips...down the hatch.

but if i get a bunch it's nice to suck em back...save a couple for later on.

wait...are you talking about beer? I didn't think that I was but now that i've gotten onto it i could go for an Effemere.

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glad you made it back to MTL and got everything worked out merc. it was good to meet you. big *high five* to bradM for organizing teams and getting people out. it was a pleasure to lend a hand ::

as for fiestas, i'm not picky. if y'all are there i'm sure we can have fun wherever.

best of luck in the new place, and looking forward to meeting miss arcane! :D

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