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GRE Count... 6 Days...


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I'm writing the dreaded GREs in Strasbourg, France a week yesterday. I'm scared shitless... I'm prepared, but it seems no matter how much I study, there is always something I miss. In addition, I need top quality scores to please the American grad schools I'm applying to... anyone taken the test? advice?


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shainhouse i've taken the GRE's. i don't envy you. it was one hard test. i took them in dec 2001, and heard they reformatted the test since then. but my exam involved 3 sections - verbal, math, logic. the hardest part without a doubt is time. time limit is def. a killer. not to mention that if you get a question right, the next question is automatically harder.

my best advice. don't take too long to answer. you want to get through all the questions. so if you don't know it, guess. i also highly suggest spending more time on the verbal section in the next few days. i was a double literature major and writer and still found it difficult, and my marks showed it (the whole antonym thing is very hard. i didnt know half the words they were giving me, let alone the opposite!). but i did get 91st percentile in logic. go figure.

anyway, i never did my MFA in creative writing in the US anyway, and it was post-9/11, so it worked out for the best.

good luck dude.


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