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Vienne Jazzfest - What a Venue


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Holy shit what a festival. The entire city surrounds THE BEST venue I've ever had the pleasure of watching a show from. Its an ancient Roman Amphitheater that is 1000's (yes 1000's) of years old. Review to come.

"Overlooking the town of Vienna along the Rhône River is the impressive Theatre Antique, built during the reign of Augustus (27 BC-AD 14) and still used for concerts today. The Roman Theater, with a diameter of 115 meters, could hold up to 13,000 spectators. First row seats, reserved for important persons, were wider and made of colored marble.

A 70 foot-long (21 m) sculptured frieze of animals led by Dionysius (the Roman Bacchus), the patron deity of drama, ran across the front of the stage."




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Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself over there, and that you got to check out some killer tunes... You know, If I remember correctly there are some mountins around that area, yes? I bet you I could throw a football over those mountains :o

Anyhow, that's cool that you're able to travel around and not stuck in one place the whole time. How's the Deutsch coming along?

What other excursions are you planning in the next couple weeks? Vienna was a really cool place, did you get to check out the Dali museum? Or see them crazy white jumping horses at the Reitschule? (It was closed all 3 of the days I was there :( )

Yup, well enjoy the rest of your time there... Oh, yeah, by the way, now you're The Godfather!?! hehehe...


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