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Run With The Kittens


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If this band has already been mentioned on the board before, please ignore following message:

Every Tuesday night at the Cameron House in Toronto (Queen W, just West of Spadina) this band, Run with the Kittens, plays. As perhaps the name suggests, the band has an amazing comedic bent. The lead singer is absolutely hilarious and the songs themselves are masterpieces of sly wit and satire. They are awesome musicians and play a variety of styles from surf rock, to country to punk to folky ballads. They're like a young Ween, bouncing from style to style but executing each brilliantly, and always with humour.

I highly suggest anyone who likes music and has a sense of humour and is in TO, to give them a shot.

Who: Run With The Kittens

Where: Cameron House (Toronto) Queen W, West of Spadina

When: Every Tuesday night; 2 sets starts at 10:30 (been increasingly packed there last few weeks, get early for a table)

Cost: Pay What You Can


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