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New Bob Weir guitar


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Just got the word from the ibanez collecters board that Ibanez plans on releasing the Custom "Cowboy" guitar.


These are new guitars, being built in an extremely limited quantity. Because the originals were truly custom-made guitars (for Bob Weir and Bobby Cochran) it's hard to call them a "reissue"... more like a resurrection from the dead. These are truly HAND-MADE guitars from the Japanese factory.

Only 30 will be made, about half will be headed to the US. The rest will be dispersed around the world. These are HAND-MADE in Japan. They will be officially announced at the end of the month at the Summer NAMM show in Indiannapolis. This is not a rumour, this is official news straight from Hoshino USA in Bensalem, PA. This pre-announcement has been disclosed exclusively to ICW and its members.


The price tag.......a whopping $6,666.59 :crazy:

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That's not a terribly surprising price tag really. Collector's/signature lines are usually pretty pricey.

The new Trey Martin is listed somewhere in the $5500 US range - they'll make more than 30 of those I'm sure.

Then again, I'd pay for a Martin over an Ibanez any day of the week...

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Maybe it's just me but I couldn't jusyt couldn't face paying that much for and Ibenez or any japanese guitar.

Although it looks like the real deal.

but you'd pay it if was american made? I have played and owned many ibanez guitars that blow away usa made guitars.

luckly, the preconceived idea that only americans can make good guitars, is helping to keep the price of vintage ibanez's down.

I wouldn't buy this guitar because if I was going to drop $6000+ on a guitar it would be made to my specs and in canada.

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The Ibaez guitars of the mid 70's to the early 80's were absolutly destroying virtually anything coming out in the US at the time...and with MUCH better pricing. Truely handmade guitars with much more care for detail and attention than the Gibson's and Fender's that by that time were only name sakes to what sort of time and effort was originally put behind their name...

There is a reason why Bob Weir and Jerry Garcia both had their hand at helping design guitars for Ibanez...Bob, of course designing the Weir Artist and lesser know fact, Garcia help design the Musician...

$6000+ is one bitch of a price tag though, but I doubt their'll be any left 6 months after the release...I think 6 months is even stretching it...

May the blessings be,

Gawpo Giggles :grin: :grin: :grin:

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