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back from U2....

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this was my first time seeing them, and I never really listen to much of their stuff.

i thought the show was great and I had a great time.


to me, it seems like the live spectacle and the crowd out weighs what the 4 musicians on stage are actually doing. as a live spectacle it is great...but when you just listen to these 4 guys..and when its just the white spot light shinging on them...it didn't hit near as heavy of a chord with me.

highlight of the night goes to my friend daniel, who started a full blown, entire arena WAVE before u2 came on.

i dared him to do it for 20 bucks and it only took him 5 tries to get our section going and the rest just fell into place. i never knew it was that easy.

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In case you were curious about the press dimafleck, your earlier thoughts regarding Toronto's U2 show last night were more or less echoed by Toronto Star music cynic, I mean critic Ben Rayner.

You need to subscribe to the on-line site, so I can't copy the review for you. Rayner more or less thought U2 lacked fire, especially their musicianship and in generating crowd electricity, most evident in the dull newer songs.

The Sun liked the show better.

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