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Cindy Sheehan arrested at War Protest


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the universe is yet again demonstrating a sublime sense of irony...

Sgt. Scott Fear, spokesman for the U.S. Park Police, said they would be charged with demonstrating without a permit, which is a misdemeanor.

you would think that the US would not like the optics of a spokesman named Fear...or maybe that's just me :)

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The Fox news people will have fun with this, but the message is clear. The majority of the people are starting to notice that the rhetoric don't match up to reality.

I think the D.C. cops were doing their job.

Civil disobedience is something that you do when you want to get your message out, but you know you'll get arrested.

I agree with Cindy.


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from the above mentioned link...

Karl Rove (besides just being a very creepy man) outed a

CIA agent and was responsible for endangering many of our covert agents worldwide.

Dick Cheney's old company is reaping profits beyond anyone's wildest imaginations in their no-bid contracts in Iraq,

Afghanistan, and New Orleans. John Negroponte's activities in South America are very shady and murderous. Rumsfeld and Gonzales are responsible for illegal and immoral authorization, encouragement and approval of torture. Not to mention, violating Geneva Conventions, torture endangers the lives of our service men and women in Iraq. Along with the above mentioned traitors, Condi lied through her teeth in the insane run-up to the invasion. The list of crimes this administration has commited is extensive, abhorrent, and unbelievable. What is so unbelievable is that WE were arrested for exercising our first amendment rights and these people are running free to enjoy their lives of crime and to wreak havoc on the world.

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