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Simpsons - Actor studio (My thoughts)


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To be honest, I was a little disappointed with this show. I was so excited about it coming on, that I actually watched the elvis documentary on Bravo! that was on before hand, in anticipation.

It was so frustrating that whenever someone was doing a voice, they would show clips from the show. I've seen the show. I didn't watch it to see clips I have seen 100x over. I wanted to see the voices being done by the actors. They are so talented, and the numb-nuts who produced this special really let me down. Granted, it was nice of them to reveal who is behind the voices, but it was such an annoying tease.

Maybe i'm just a tad bitter because i haven't eaten all day and my pizza is late, but my hopes were high.

The only guy they focused on was Harry Shearer (which by the way was hilarious) but it would have been great to see a little more Azaria and Castlenetta. They never even showed the lady doing marge, who mysteriously disappeared in the middle of the show.

What did everyone think?

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Hey cheesehead Ms. Hux and myself had the exact same experience. Thanks for putting our thoughts into words [smile]

I wonder if there is any sort of contract issues with showing the face of Julie? Perhaps she doesn't want to have her face completely associated with a cartoon character? She must already know that when I see her in reruns of Awa Awakenings kenings, I can't get Marge out of my head, and it's her regular voice. [Wink]

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My buddy and I were saying the same thing about Julie. Instead of contract issues though, we thought maybe she just didn't want her character to lose its cartoon identity and be associated with a human being.

Or that maybe she made a really ugly face while doing the voice and just didnt want anyone to see. [Eek!]

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