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Any Updates on Marc Emery


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September 30, 2005

Charges for Emery

By Irwin Loy, 24 hours

A Vancouver man plans to file criminal charges against pot activist Marc Emery - just to prove a point.

David McCann said he's doing it to spark a national debate on Canadian sovereignty and drug policy.

He said the government has condoned Emery's behaviour by allowing him to run his Vancouver seed-selling business and collecting taxes on his profits.

The charges McCann will file in court today are virtually identical to the ones Emery faces in the U.S., which is trying to extradite the activist.

The theory is that local charges will throw a wrench in U.S. extradition plans for Emery, allowing him to serve any punishment in Canada.

"This is about sovereignty and hypocrisy ... Every now and again I think Canadians have to stand up and say to the government, "You're doing something wrong here.'"


Saturday, 8 October, 2005

Play profiles marijuana crusader Marc Emery

By Free Press staff

Citizen Marc profiles the controversial career of former Londoner Marc Emery, the self-proclaimed "Prince of Pot."

A reading of the new drama, written by local playwright Jason Rip, will be presented at the Wolf Performance Hall in the London Central Library Monday night.

Based on the 1992 documentary film Marc Emery: Messing Up the System, the play chronicles the life of the former owner of City Lights bookstore who's championed the legalization of marijuana, Sunday shopping, free speech and a number of other causes.

The cast for the reading includes Diana Wilson, Jonathan Schram, Serge Saika-Voivod, Ray Bowen and Teresa Tarasewicz, current co-owner of the London bookstore that Emery sold in 1993.

Admission to Monday's event at Wolf Performance Hall, which begins at 7 p.m., is $10 (plus GST). Tickets are available at the Grand Theatre box office; call 672-8800 or (toll free) 1-800-265-1593; or visit www.grandtheatre.com

A portion of the proceeds from the event will be donated to Emery's legal defence fund. Now living in Vancouver, the 47-year-old pot crusader is fighting the United States government's attempt to extradite him to face charges of drug trafficking and money laundering.

Citizen Marc: The Adventures of Marc Emery, produced by Christopher Doty and directed by John Gerry, will launch its premiere stage run at the Arts Project, Jan. 27, 2006.

Tickets for that two-week engagement will go on sale at the Grand Theatre in November.


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