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QOTD - Labour / Insurance Edition - the dry stuff....


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alright folks... insureres, lawyers, those in the know... this is for you...

scenario: person A is under 25, a part time student, and has a part time job, from which they collect NO BENEFITS. person A is covered as a dependant under their parents insurance, and has a claim in for some dental work.

question: can the insurance company force this person to quit work because they have a claim in, given the above scenario (under 25, p/t work, p/t student, dependant of folks)?

your thoughts and insights are greatly appreciated. in the meantime, i'll be goin through the blue pages over here.... somethin' smells fishy to me...

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Check the Benefits Package booklet with a fine-toothed comb. It is odd for them to deny a dependant child but it may be a matter of policy limits, age etc. Certainly, making someone quit their job is extreme. Check that over and then request the Inurance company put their position down in writing.

If their position as written contradicts their policy as laid out under their official plan, then they have a fight on their hands.

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I would expect that you're at the end of mommy and daddy's insurance regardless. The fact that you're not a full time student would have made me think tough luck for you to begin with. The fact that you are part time working and part time student means they're sort of saying "Look, pick one, you can't do both".

I would have thought that 25 yrs old and not a full time student means independent. Independent means get your own benefits/insurance.

But you can always fight and try and work something out with them. You never know.

Wait - now I see its "under 25". then it becomes are they 18 or under? I think basically if you're 18 or over and not a full time student (or for that matter, have been a non-student for any length of time) then you're not covered generally... and possibly when you hit 25 your're not covered regardless generally.

Keep in mind that a good union can mean a lot stronger longerlasting benefits.

But like I said, I think the insurance company is throwing you a bone by giving you choice.

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I would expect that you're at the end of mommy and daddy's insurance regardless. The fact that you're not a full time student would have made me think tough luck for you to begin with. The fact that you are part time working and part time student means they're sort of saying "Look, pick one, you can't do both".

I would have thought that 25 yrs old and not a full time student means independent. Independent means get your own benefits/insurance.

But you can always fight and try and work something out with them. You never know.

Wait - now I see its "under 25". then it becomes are they 18 or under? I think basically if you're 18 or over and not a full time student (or for that matter, have been a non-student for any length of time) then you're not covered generally... and possibly when you hit 25 your're not covered regardless generally.

Keep in mind that a good union can mean a lot stronger longerlasting benefits.

But like I said, I think the insurance company is throwing you a bone by giving you choice.

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I would expect that you're at the end of mommy and daddy's insurance regardless. The fact that you're not a full time student would have made me think tough luck for you to begin with. The fact that you are part time working and part time student means they're sort of saying "Look, pick one, you can't do both".

you expected wrong. *i* am this persons boss, and im trying to help her out.

thanks all the same, though, everyone - i was on the phone with numerous different government people on the end of 1-800 numbers yesterday, and yeah, there's really nothing i can do for this person... rock, meet hard place...

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I would expect that you're at the end of mommy and daddy's insurance regardless. The fact that you're not a full time student would have made me think tough luck for you to begin with. The fact that you are part time working and part time student means they're sort of saying "Look' date=' pick one, you can't do both".


you expected wrong. *i* am this persons boss, and im trying to help her out.

thanks all the same, though, everyone - i was on the phone with numerous different government people on the end of 1-800 numbers yesterday, and yeah, there's really nothing i can do for this person... rock, meet hard place...

I wasn't meaning to be derogatory - and I wasn't wrong, I was referring to "you" as the student/employee.

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Guigsy, are you suggesting that person A is going to lose their job, or her parents will lose their insurance?

this might sound ridiculous, (then again, what post of mine doesn't sound ridiculous--hehe) but, could you fire her, and then have her parents remove her from her policy and then re-hire her? thus nobody gets hurt in the end? And all parties, under the agreement are satisfied?? Once again, pardon my ignorance...

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yeah, basically, that was the deal. quit, or we dont pay the claim, and pull ALL the insurance.

anyways, i dug deeper, and got more info and there's a little more to it than im willing to post, and something about an allotment of work hours vs. school hours, but the bottom line is that, at the moment, she cant work for me. nor can i do anything about it or fight it on her behalf, basically as an employer its out of my hands, its their battle to fight. but, they are appealing this in court, apparently, and again, there's probably more to that than i even know.

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