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Arrested Development - Save Our Bluths


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Tobias’ most gloriously oblivious quotes:

-- "I prematurely shot my wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I’m afraid I have something of a mess on my hands."

-- "Michael, you really are quite the Cupid, aren’t you? I tell you, you can zing your arrow into my buttocks any time."

-- "If I may, let me take off my assistant’s skirt and put on my Barbra Streisand in The Prince of Tides ass-masking therapist pantsuit."

-- "Okay, who’d like a banger in the mouth? Oh, right, I forgot: here in the States, you call it a sausage in the mouth."

-- "I'll be your wingman. Even if it means me taking a chubby, I will suck it up!"

-- "I need to prove to her that I'm not just a man, but a man's man."

-- "Oh. Well, I see you wasted no time filling my seat hole."

-- "Oh, I can just taste those meaty leading-man parts in my mouth."

-- "I'm not in the group yet. No, I'm afraid I just blue myself."

-- "I suppose I'm, uh, buy-curious."

-- "No, no, it's pronounced a-NAL-ra-PIST."

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This is the text of what David Cross says:

"I got an idea for what you can do: why don't you fuckin' fire your complete marketing team, alright? Get a new one that knows how to market a show that won 12 motherfucking Emmys, Golden Globes, SAG awards, WGA awards, DGA awards, Producers' Guild's awards, critics' top-ten lists... If you can't market that kind of show and get better ratings, then maybe the problem doesn't lie here. Maybe it lies with marketing. Good night."

-- DAVID CROSS, from the Arrested Development: Season Two DVD extras.

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