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A Nice Animal Rescue Story


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Swan rescued from Diamond Lake

Posted: 12/15/2005 10:02 am

Last Updated: 12/15/2005 10:21 am


Ever since Friday, Mike Griffee and his girlfriend Linda Kresan have watched a trumpeter swan stuck on Diamond Lake.

The bird was apparently unable to take-flight because of an injured leg, however, we have a happy conclusion to the story.

No where to go

"I knew there was something we needed to do and I never gave up," says Linda Kresan.

The swan sat and flapped and tried to leave, but couldn't! The couple knew they needed help.

"After Michael tried to rescue her and fell in, someone said call Channel 16, so I did," says Linda.

After NewsCenter 16 aired our first story on the stuck swan, many people called offering to help. But the man, who actually rescued the swan, wants to remain anonymous.

"He said, 'We're happy to do it, have a nice Christmas', and I said 'God bless you'," says Linda.

Linda named the swan, Noelle, after her best friend.

The rescuer used a hovercraft, goosed Noelle to shore, and dropped her off on a deck.

"We saw her sitting there and she's just beautiful. Sitting there peacefully, just waiting for us to come and get her," explains Linda.

"It was really sort of amazing, after watching this bird through the telescope for five days, seeing it sitting here ready for us to just pick it up and carry away," said Mike.

With the swan grumbling just a little, the rescue was nearly complete, as Mike and Linda prepared to move Noelle to an animal rehabber.

"One thing she said was, 'Grab the neck, get a blanket over it so it don't hurt ya'. I picked it up and was surprised how heavy it was. I had never picked up a butterball that was that heavy," said Mike.

"This is a wonderful bird, it's a beautiful animal, and I couldn't be more thrilled. This is like a Merry Christmas," said Linda.

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awwwwwe...thats a lovely story. :) Reminds me of the hikers last summer/the summer oh mabey winter as I think it was trapped in ice..doh.. before? They rescued a moose..ha I think it was a Moose...shoot i can't quite recall. I just remember it was quite a phenominal production using rope systems and TONNES of heart.

haha...bradm? ;)

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