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Phish dates


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do you really want them to come back and be little more than a caricature of themselves?

just my miserable opinion i guess.

I think you're right that that's just your opinion. I don't think anyone suggested they wanted Phish to return as a "caricature of themselves". I think people would like them to return' date=' revitalized, and play some good music.

I also don't really see what the big deal is, anyway. There are plenty of good bands out there. Phish was just one of many.


pretty sure they already made an atempt at coming back revitalized and all that. it lead to the end.

i don't see the big deal either, mainly because i rarely listen to phish anymore.

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Rumours are just that.

People who think Phish will get together so soon after breaking up are smoking this.....


I think you may see phish play together again and do a few shows, but I bet it will be a few more years down the road...at least, and probably one offs for benifits, awrds shows or special festivals.

Let it go already....

and this is coming from someone who loves Phish.

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so, they try again, lots of people are happy and you can just continue to ignore them and focus on bands you are interested in. right?

basically yeah, i just hate the idea of something i love turning into garbooge.

maybe its just my utter disgust with "the scene" that makes this terrible news.

for the record i am still interested in Phish, its just not what i'm into these days. i still love zeppelin, i just don't want to hear them again for at least 10 years.

i think i need a new message board.

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i think you need to read ayn rand's the fountainhead djedy...it will help you centre and focus your hatred of the general public and humanity at large into something positive that doesn't frustrate you so much.

and i can't believe we're still talking phish rumours. the ONLY..and i mean ONLY good thing about them ending it was that i wouldn't have to deal with these nothing but bullshit rumours anymore!

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