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Why do Sport Superstars hawk mechandise?

The Chameleon

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The other day I was at lunch reading the paper and I came across an add featuring Steve Nash selling MGD computers.

I immediately thought, why?

I mean if you Steve Nash, Shaq, Kobe or the like you already have several million dollars. The interest on your money alone will support you for the rest of your life.

So then why? Why if you already have egnough money for the rest of your life would you want your face plastered everywhere. Why would you want to go through all the bullshit of sitting through the shooting of these commercials, showing up on set on and on?

The only thing I can think is either you have a serious addcition you have to pay for..gambling, drung etc.

Or you are trying to support the living costs of your entire extended family and friends and all yo' boyz... (and even then when you make 10-20 mil a year?)

Or worst of all you are a complete narcasist and attention whore and require people to blow smoke up your ass all day so youu feel good.

The last one I can see the Kobe's of the world being subject to, but Steve Nash seems like such a normal dude. But hey who knows what he's really like?


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Steve Nash seems like such a normal dude.

Steve Nash is definitely not a normal dude. Guy's got incredible basketball skills, is a standout player in an elite athletic league, has been a standout his whole life..... That's probably as far from normal as you can get.


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