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Jon Stewart was on his game last night


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When's he off really though. Haven't watched TV in months, convinced that the print media's the only hope for good info, so I don't know how he's been but the bit last night about the Armstrong ranch and the hierarchy in the U.S., not to mention the irony of Cheney saying it was important to be 'as accurate as possible'. It was just to easy, like shooting fish in a... oh why bother.

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Seriously it was ridiculously funny, thing is I was at the Jimmy Jazz watching, or listening, to some ridiculously hot amazonian singer songwriter demi-Ani chick Melissa Larkin play, and the Daily Show was on and close captioned, and I'm laughing out loud during her very quiet set cause of what I'm reading on the screen.

The gist of it was that, you know, why didn't they (secret service) report it 'til the next day. And of course it's cause they were rocking the Jim Beam and Sammy Adams, they just drive them out in SUV's and glut them on corn on the cob and their choice of prime rib or suckling pig, then just let the birds loose and have at 'em. Even with a buckshot let me tell you it's real hard for some one to walk, jog or hell run into your shot. So Cheney, and how his fugging people didn't prep him on this eight million times better I don't know, is saying that Karen Armstrong (ex-head of the Texas Wildlife Department) who's likely the heir of this ginormous wildlife preserve, the largest natural area privately or publicly held in Texax, which of course is only for the bourgeouise players like this Wittington, the 78 yr. old lawyer that was sprayed in his upper torso. But anyways Cheney basically said that Karen thought it was best that we waited til morning, like they were all gathered round the wood stove drinking hot chocolate and mallows. Of course Stewart and the crew just devoured this shit, and again I'm watching this on mute and Stewart makes this stacking gesture with his hand going downward like a hierarchy. Saying 'so is that how the hierarchy of the U.S. governent is structured these days...


Ex-Head Texas Wildlife Department


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I was at the Jimmy Jazz watching, or listening, to some ridiculously hot amazonian singer songwriter demi-Ani chick Melissa Larkin play,

Though this doesn't ENTIRELY have to do with this thread, I just thought I'd mention the following based on this first part here - the talented Melissa Larkin plays every Thursday at Jimmy Jazz with another singer/songwriter from Toronto named Zack Sheppard. To be perfectlly honest, Zack is one of most talented musicians I have ever encountered. Aside from being a brilliant multi-instrumentalist, Zack's lyrics are deep and insightful, songs are beautifully composed, while singing each line, strumming each note with an incredible amount of soul. He can captivate an audience like no other. He's got the gift of an entertainer - some people just have that performance power. I was at a show of his in Toronto at The Free Times Cafe (and several since...i've sat in on a few tunes with him) where he performed his own rendition of Dylan's, "Don't Think Twice." The audience was spell-bound, completely entranced by the amazing arrangement. So if you're in Guelph, or happen to catch one of his Toronto dates, I'd highly recommend it. The songs on his myspace site are slightly more mellow then what he is normally accustomed to. Listen to "Beautiful Mystery".

Just thought I'd pass the info along.


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Yeah I've seen Zack play a few times now and chatted with him a bit. He reminds me a bit of Raoul Midon in his sort of picking and strumming style though less proficient. I respectfully offered a few critiques insomuch as he plays a little to decidedly in one sort of style that threatens to spill into something kind of generically Jack Johnson or something. Great musician though I agree and his version of Don't Think Twice is spot on. And how hot is Melissa Larkin!! Oh My.

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