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Tala in Relix~Band from the north country


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There is an article(artists to new to know.....for now) in July's Relix about Tala.

An extremely interesting quartet that puts its own slant on what it says is “an ever-thriving, Canadian jamband community,” guitarist, vocalist and sitar player Steve Venkarangan says Tala draws its influences “from every genre… including Miles Davis, Marc Ribot, Ravi Shankar, Gong, King Crimson and Jimi Hendrix.” The eclecticism of these influences is manifested in the band’s self-titled album, from the slow funky grind of “Yukiko” to the more sophisticated “Cycles.” The latter has complex counterpoint vocals and a subtle, electronic backdrop. There’s an acid jazz slant to “Indigo,” while elsewhere they slip in the odd Eastern influence as well as move into jazz and funk territory. Vocally they are also interesting, as they use the voice more as an instrument for added textures. This is a band that relies heavily on subtlety and mood. Its unpredictable music slowly draws the listener in and this is most notable in the album’s highlight “7-11,” a polished song with a nice groove and some delicate guitar work. The current lineup features drummer Adrian Aitken, bassist Nick Grimwood and guitarist/vocalist Ryan Smith.The band records all its shows and spreads them around freely at shows and on the internet. Venkarangan says that the big negative to touring in Canada is that “some drives are over 20 hours.” Tala hopes to start playing in the U.S. before the end of the year. “Playing in the States will give us a lot more gigs with a lot less driving,” says Venkarangan.

By Mick Skidmore


Tala in Relix

Right on guys!! Congrats & cheers~ [big Grin]

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nice work indeed!

good to see the sudden interest from relix and jambands.com in the grateful white north.....or, perhaps they are just buttering us up for when promoters will be liable for anything illegal that happens on thier concert/festival site......???

either way...TALA are fully deserving IMO!

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