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Weird Taper Section News From Last Night


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This explains the strange setup last night....

From Terrapin Board:

Pretty lame if you ask me...

"Excellent show. Little wind in the mics last night and it was taper hell in

the section last night. A half hour before the Dead were to come on we were

all set up in Front of the Board(FOB)(that is what that means on a taper's

tape list)(ahhh...there he goes again getting all anal). Someone from

"Security" comes along and says"Hey guys, listen up. The Dead says they will

not play until all of you move to behind the soundboard in the newly

renovated and fenced in area with its' own super duper porta john (that had

a banging door that banged open or shut and is included in my recording for

your listening pleasure)."

Talk about taper angst and anger- whoa Nellie! Some tapers were yelling up

at the soundboard saying things like," What, aren't you selling enough of

your precious $22.00 CDs?" Whereupon the manager of the board yelled back,"

Shut up or we won't allow taping at all." "fuck yous" were then traded in a

somewhat hostile fashion with most of the other tapers yelling at the taper

and saying,"Shut up stupid taper man[that is not his real name]- he's

serious and will stop us all from being able to tape." Most of us quietly

shuffled to behind the board and re-set up our rigs and our patch-in

"stuff". Actually it was a nice big taper prison and we did not have that

many drunk people falling over our stuff. It was just us being drunk and

falling over our own equipment."

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We watched that go down.


No idea why, but it looked like they all had sweet spots, and had to move through that thick crowd right before show-time, and scramble to set up. I am willing to bet those tapes are going to sound like crap. They had a huge wall in front of them, essentially.

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