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"Chank" Thursdays @ Blind Dog in Chatham!!


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Yep, Chank has been playing Thursdays in Chatham at the Blind Dog.

I've gone two or three times I think. Their take on 'Come as You Are' is getting really good.

Who's up for it this Thursday... I guess they have been working on some new songs to bust out.

Let's come out and give 'em some support. Schwa, Swifty, OB-1 and your little buddy Rankin, stu dog... ummm, who else... oh yeah, Chewie.. I'll have a party first if it'll make it easier... schwa, ob-1 and rankin can talk about the wsp show, stu, chewie, and I can talk about the abb show.

Sounds like fun, eh!

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