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Babies on Coffee


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Preemies may benefit from caffeine jolt

A mega-jolt of caffeine may be just what the doctor should order to help premature babies get through their potentially dangerous first days, a Canadian-led study confirms.


Seven-week-old M.J. Prato is one baby receiving caffeine treatment. She weighs about 1.5 kilograms and is receiving the caffeine equivalent of what in adults would be six cups of coffee at a time.

This is one of those sorts of discoveries where you just have to ask yourself what chain of events could have possibly led them to it.

On a side note, I remember timouse once looking up the LD-50 (the dosage at which 50% of experimental animals will die from a given substance) for caffeine, and it worked out to about 100 cups of coffee for humans. So, I guess the point is, coffee is good, but be careful.

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