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Just dl'd 6/11/03 Neil


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....and listened to it and i have to say, i am in love with the Greendale concept/story.

I think this is the best work he has done in many many years.

And the dialogue is great! BUT you can hear all these JACKASSES in the backgroung yelling shit like "when did you get so serious?" and "hurry up!" FUCK! Looks like the ACC wasn't the only show with jerky losers that can't appreciate something new.

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yes, i have that show (i think its the one i burned for you marcO) and i think its great....

i have a few from the previous europe tour, and its much better....the europeans are so much more respectful than drunken canadian/american mullets....

i tell ya, neil should just say at the beginning, i'm not playing anything old (and stick to his word) and play a small theatre....neil in massey with no mullets....sounds like a fantasy

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yeah, as interesting as that exchange was, I was disappointed he aborted it because it's just such a beautiful song. Definitely a highlight of the Toronto show.

Neil's a crotchety old fuck. "You didn't need to hear that song, anyway!"

We've got to save Mother Earth! [Eek!]

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Here here!

I just got it DL'd today and have listened to it twice already. I'd have to say that devil's sidewalk and bandit are my faves. Too bad i only have half of bandit recorded since he cut himself off of this recording.

He not only told off the disrespectful audience that was in front of him at the time, he got in a jab at the Las Vegas dicks that were pissing him off during a previous show.

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