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Killaloe Craft Fair anyone?


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So, nero is booked to headline this festival, and from talking to the promoter it sounds like a really really good time. The website is http://www.killaloe.net/fair/index.html but the website isn't too great. I saw the poster at the Folklore Centre and got really excited though. Turns out there are workshops on yoga and stuff and speakers. Topics include "The Federal drug policy" and "What to do if the cops come knocking on your door." It's at the same site as Om Festival and Flaps over the Moon. Here's some of the bands:

Guh is leading a drum workshop

and then..........

5:30 p.m. Guh leads a parade to the main stage

6:00 p.m. Guh

continues to six thirty

7:00 p.m. Searson

--Kick Ass Celtic!

8:00 p.m. Bluesaholics

--Enough said!

9:00 p.m. Peter Elkas

-- Knows how to use the volume knob

10:00 p.m. Doula

--Transient Arabic folk

11:00 p.m. Schroeder and the HooDoos

--local soul

12:00 p.m. Nero

--dancing rock progressions

Killaloe is just SE of Algonquin Park...seems to be about 75 kms past Renfrew, maybe a couple of hours west of Ottawa.

So I'm going. Anybody else?

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this is one of the coolest little fests in Canada- a bunch of great hippies that started some communes up in killaloe started this fest years ago and I attended many years with my parents- it's a great window into rural Ontario. I haven't been for years but if we weren't trying to see ween in Kazoo that day then we'd for sure come.


These folks like their music and have great spirit- play it hard for them.

cheers, Tasha

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